Daily Log - RS

5/5/17- Today,  I added some notes to the challenge page and I answered all the questions on the What is an ROV page. I also took pictures for the blog of us testing the previous years ROV's.

5/8/17- Today I watched the videos on intro to soldering and waterproofing.

5/10/17- I practiced soldering connections on a practice board and got it approved by Mrs S.

5/12/17- Started to take apart control box and started putting things in board and soldering.

5/15/17- Today I soldered down all the remaining peices and tested with power. It Worked!!

5/17/17- Today I started putting the control board to the switches. I had to wiggle the switches alot to get them in place.

5/19/17- Today I connected the wires inside the board to the control panel on top and tightened them in place. 

5/22/17- I attached the tether and the power cable and closed the top of the control box. It is done!

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May 22nd

Today we waterproofed our motor/tether connection and mounted it into our frame. We weighed our ROV's total weight with the motors mount...