Daily Log - DP

5/5/17- today I finished up the challenges page and the about us page. I uploaded to the daily blog for the whole group.

5/8/17- finished adding pictures to challenges part of blog. I watched all the tutorial videos so I can begin soldering.

5/10/17- practiced soldering wires for the first time

5/12/17- Worked on stripping motor wires and tether wires.

5/15/17- today, I watched the waterproof videos and I prepared the tether for soldering and waterproofing by stripping the wires and putting them through the pvc pipe.

5/17/17- today I connected the wires by twisting them in order but did not solder because no stations were open.

5/19/17- today, Ben and I took turns soldering the wires together and then waterproofed the wires after by hot gluing them together.

5/22/17- I waterproofed the tether and put the pvc pipe over it so it could connect to the frame. we also weighed the Rov with the motors on it.

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May 22nd

Today we waterproofed our motor/tether connection and mounted it into our frame. We weighed our ROV's total weight with the motors mount...